Friday, October 31, 2008

The Obama effect

The wheels are falling off of the "straight talk express". There is an old saying. "You can only be a good liar if you have a good memory". John McCain does not have a good memory so...he forgets what he said yesterday and contradicts it today . Between McCain`s poorly advised selection of Sarah Palin and his " The economy is fundamentally sound" super gaffe, Americans are now faced with the stark realization that Obama is the right person for the job. It is showing in the polls.

You have heard the press use the word "effect" to try to and describe the dynamics of the race.

The first "effect" of this campaign was often cited during the primary election. The term "Bradley effect" came about from an election involving Tom Bradley in California. Bradley was a black candidate. The press could not figure out why Bradley polled so well and did not live up to the poll results. It was believed that many voters that said that they would vote for Bradley did not actually vote for him. In other words, they changed their minds when it came to voting for a black candidate. They told the pollster they would, but did not. The poll results were way off when compared to the actual results of the election.

Second effect. The "Palin effect". The Palin effect has been described as a "game changer that energized the Republican base". After her acceptance speech at the Republican Convention, John McCain got a new boost of energy . His numbers improved, donations surged and attendance increased at his campaign events. Unfortunately the 'Palin effect" was short lived. When Conservatives came to, after the ether had worn off, they got a clear look at Palin. With zero foreign policy experience, a history of lies and vindictiveness, and more drama than a soap opera, her appeal started to fade. The G.O.P realized , after a few appearances, that she was not capable of answering any real policy questions. They sequestered her and kept her from the media. In the end the "Palin effect" will compared to the "Flash in the pan" effect. Poof !. Gone.

I believe there is a third effect . I will call it the "Obama effect". The Obama effect will be compared to the term 'landslide" . The Obama effect is opposite of the "Bradley effect". I believe there are a very large number of people who say "I will not vote for Obama", that will. When they are talking at the office and among their friends, they claim to be staunch supporters of John McCain. They do not wish to be chastised for , actually, voting for someone as different as Barack Obama. They go along with the usual garbage about "being a Muslim" , a "friend of radicals", a promoter of "infanticide', whatever the Republican smear machine is churning out that week. "I am a true conservative ", they will proudly declare and march off in a determined gait, to their cubicle. When it comes down to voting, they will enter the booth and vote the only way a thinking American can vote this year. They will know that Obama has a superior tax plan for those making less than $250,000.00 per year. They will realize his VP, Joe Biden, could actually do the job of something happened to Obama. They know , in their hearts that Barack Obama is a Christian that does not wear his faith on his sleeve and use it for political gain. They know that he has lived it. They will realize that they do not agree with him 100% on the issues but they will see him as a better leader. His honesty, candor, and intelligence will win their vote. The "Obama effect" , when added to the ground game, millions of new, excited voters, and his broad support across all ethnic groups, genders, and persuasions, will result in election numbers that will surprise the nation. "The Obama effect" ? It has a nice ring to it, eh?

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