Friday, October 31, 2008

2008 McCain /Palin campaign death watch.

The carefully orchestrated attack machine is breaking down. The brainwashed masses that repeated fact less diatribe and unsubstantiated accusations are dwindling. The GOP Presidential campaign is on deathwatch.

McCain will fade into the sunset a proud but defeated warrior,ever happy to fight,ever willing to try. The screams of the die hard, right wing extremists fell on deaf ears. Those that regurgitated the talking points of McCain`s poorly run campaign will soon fade to silence.The campaign is strapped to the gurney and being wheeled into the chamber.


These trumped up lies were designed to "swift boat" Obama like they did John Kerry. Many of the same operatives that were successful in defeating Kerry joined the attempt to
defeat Barack Obama. They failed. Barack Obama is not John Kerry. Barack Obama mobilized a rapid response team to crush rumors as fast as they were spread. He published a web site where people could look at the latest lies being used against him in right wing blog posts and mass e-mails. His supporters are among the most in tune and educated, they know how to respond to the trash and those that littered every form of media with it.

The politics of hope,change, and unity will win this election in an electoral landslide. The poltics of fear, lies ,and division will lose.

In reality McCain committed political suicide with the partys selection of Sarah Palin as their VP candidate. Palin is an ego maniacal, pathological liar. She lacked the most basic knowledge, skill and intelligence , to fulfill the office of Vice President . Her selection was clearly one of the biggest blunders in American political history. Palin was a miscalculated solution designed to reach a very narrow constituancy . The solution for the few, created problems for many others.

You have to give the credit to the real John McCain, the one that America did not see.. He wanted a different V.P. , he wanted to come up with compassionate immigration plan, he wanted to improve the transparency of our government, he wanted a positive campaign. Convinced it was "right for America" he allowed himself, and his better judgment, to be marginalized. John McCain got caught up in Washington politics and let a political machine direct him instead of listening to his heart. America saw a different John McCain. A team of entrenched DC lobbyists,Republican operatives and Bush administration Neoconservatives, got into his head.

In the end I am very pleased. Not only with an Obama victory but with the fact that John McCain, a genuine American hero, does not have to face a rigorous grind and stress of being President. John has a beautiful wife, plenty of money and a nice family .I take comfort in knowing that he can now take time to relax and enjoy life. He deserves it.

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