Friday, October 31, 2008

Why Barack Obama ?

Barack Obama burst onto the national political scene with a memorable speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. Anybody that watched this speech realized that Barack Obama is a very gifted young man and talented orator. Obama is a Christian from a bi- racial family. His mother is white his father was black. His dad left when he was very young.

We all realize that it takes more than being an intelligent person that is able to inspire people through speeches to be an effective President. Why is it time to elect Barack Obama ?

Barack Obama will unify our country and be a very effective agent for change. He has the ability to garner support from all factions of the American political process. Our country is in the midst of a very critical period. The last thing we need is more political deadlock based on partisan politics. Very frequently, Barack Obama is receiving meaningful endorsements and gleaning support from Republican, Independent, and Democratic leaders alike.

Many people bring up the " experience" question. They believe that Barack Obama will be President one day but lacks the experience at this time. This is a fallacy. The President of the United States has access to the best minds in the country. He can consult experts in every field possible . George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld have considerable experience. Look what they have done.

A President must be able to absorb all the information possible and make sound decisions. Judgment is a much more critical attribute. Barack Obama illustrated his judgment when he opposed the war in Iraq. He is not anti -war, he is "anti-dumb war " . Iraq has cost our country thousands of lives and billions of dollars. We have accomplished nothing and we are struggling just to reach a pre war level of peace.

Barack Obama graduated from Columbia University, where he majored in political science and specialized in international relations. He then attended Harvard Law School where he was elected President of Harvard Law Review and graduated magna cum laude. He later became a professor of law. Barack Obama will respect the Constitution of the United States. He will not ignore it when it seems convenient.

The current administration has cost our country valuable credibility with allies and non-allies around the world. Credibility is the key to our National Security. We need the trust, respect and cooperation, of other nations in order to prevail against the radical Jihadists . Barack Obama has promised to reach out mend strained relations and read "the riot act” to would be aggressors.

Why Barack Obama ? No other candidate has the ability to communicate and mediate critical discussion between opposing parties. No other candidate has the support of a massive and diverse coalition of people from all faiths, races, genders, political parties or orientation. Obama does not appeal to the radical elements of any group, he appeals to the centrists among them. Why Barack Obama ? Because its time for GENUINE change!

Barack Obama will clear the hurdle

The weakness and lack of substance of the attacks on Barack Obama makes the case that the conservative press and the Republican Party do not have much to stand on. "Much ado about nothing". I don`t need to be judged by my pastors opinion or what old acquaintances did before, or after, they knew me. These are merely excuses that people use to hide their real fear. Their real convictions about race and superiority.

In 1936, Adolph Hitler was taught a valuable lesson about his theories on race by a young man named Jesse Owens. Much of America will now become more enlightened thanks to a young man named Barack Obama. The 1936 Olympics were in Germany . One of the competitors that Jesse Owens defeated for a Gold Medal during this event was Jackie Robinson's brother. It seems the Lord had a back up plan with another barrier breaking family.

Today, some in the "older generation" and "working class" cling to old ideas. Reaching them has been a challenge for Barack Obama. The reality is that some people do cling to traditions taught them by their fathers. These traditions do include religion , guns and racial prejudice. What is wrong with acknowledging that ? Not all of the opposition to Obama is based on race and preconceived ideas. Not everybody that will not vote for him is a racist . Much of the concern from people is that Obama does not have the experience to lead this country. Take a look at some of the people supporting him and you will see an impressive cast of accomplished military, economic, and foreign policy experts. Barack Obama will be able to assemble an effective team.

In 1936, while Adolph Hitler watched in awe and amazement as Jesse Owens disproved his theories on race and superiority the crowd of spectators gave Jesse Owens their support . They cheered enthusiastically and gave Owens ovation after ovation . They were witnessing history, observing a fellow human being perform as God made him to perform. Just like the Obama campaign today. We also have millions of voices in the crowd, around the country, and around the world, cheering on this world changing personality. Obama`s supporters are not confined to any racial group, demographic, or geographic location. They are not confined by old, tired theories. They realize that Barack Obama is man doing as God has planned. In his eternal wisdom God has presented us a half white man, or a half black man (whatever your perspective) to unite the country at a desperate time. God has taught us that in him there is no race or gender and our constitution declares that "all men were created equal".

Today we have those few who cling to those old ideas and hide behind silly, frivolous, issues to enforce their personal theories. You can hear spouting their propaganda in the conservative media and in blogs all across the country. They make outrageous claims as they desperately try to remain in denial.

It is ridiculous to propose that Barack Obama is any type of racist, any type of elitist, any type of radical, or any type of Socialist . He has lived an exemplary life dedicated to helping the poor and displaced find shelter and justice. He has tried to improve our Democracy. In his life he has cleared very tall hurdles and overcome massive odds in a society that still has much to learn. May he continue to clear the tallest of hurdles and lead our country from the dismal state we are in now.

Why Obama will be our next President

Obama and John McCain both have detractors inside of their perspective parties.

McCain has alienated some of his support of his party by having a soft stance on immigration and other issues held sacred to the GOP. He is seen as farther the left than many conservatives are comfortable with . At one time his campaign was on the verge of collapsing, he was the last consideration for many Republican voters. Once Republican voters surveyed the rest of the field, they realized that their choices were limited and McCain was their best chance. They settled for their candidate.

Obama has continued to be a source of concern to some the most liberal voters in the Democratic party. He has raised eyebrows with his stance on issues that are more centrist than they would like to see. Consider his opinion on FISA . Add to this a large contingency of rural voters that will not vote for Obama for their own reasons.

This election will not come down to the detractors within the parties ,it will come down to the supporters.

Obama enjoys a broad coalition of voters of both genders, all races , religions, and political affiliations. He has attracted millions of new, young ,voters into the political process. He has motivated formerly apathetic Americans to get involved.

McCain has the support of the typical, conservative, voter. His base is much more narrow in diversity than Obamas base. His campaign has increasingly relied on negative advertisements to try and hurt Obamas image.

My guess is a 7 to 9 percentage point win by Barack Obama. He has motivated millions of new supporters that will negate the loss of votes by the far left of the Democratic Party and the "rural" ( wink,wink) voter.

McCain cannot replace the votes he will lose by not being the ultimate conservative.

The Obama effect

The wheels are falling off of the "straight talk express". There is an old saying. "You can only be a good liar if you have a good memory". John McCain does not have a good memory so...he forgets what he said yesterday and contradicts it today . Between McCain`s poorly advised selection of Sarah Palin and his " The economy is fundamentally sound" super gaffe, Americans are now faced with the stark realization that Obama is the right person for the job. It is showing in the polls.

You have heard the press use the word "effect" to try to and describe the dynamics of the race.

The first "effect" of this campaign was often cited during the primary election. The term "Bradley effect" came about from an election involving Tom Bradley in California. Bradley was a black candidate. The press could not figure out why Bradley polled so well and did not live up to the poll results. It was believed that many voters that said that they would vote for Bradley did not actually vote for him. In other words, they changed their minds when it came to voting for a black candidate. They told the pollster they would, but did not. The poll results were way off when compared to the actual results of the election.

Second effect. The "Palin effect". The Palin effect has been described as a "game changer that energized the Republican base". After her acceptance speech at the Republican Convention, John McCain got a new boost of energy . His numbers improved, donations surged and attendance increased at his campaign events. Unfortunately the 'Palin effect" was short lived. When Conservatives came to, after the ether had worn off, they got a clear look at Palin. With zero foreign policy experience, a history of lies and vindictiveness, and more drama than a soap opera, her appeal started to fade. The G.O.P realized , after a few appearances, that she was not capable of answering any real policy questions. They sequestered her and kept her from the media. In the end the "Palin effect" will compared to the "Flash in the pan" effect. Poof !. Gone.

I believe there is a third effect . I will call it the "Obama effect". The Obama effect will be compared to the term 'landslide" . The Obama effect is opposite of the "Bradley effect". I believe there are a very large number of people who say "I will not vote for Obama", that will. When they are talking at the office and among their friends, they claim to be staunch supporters of John McCain. They do not wish to be chastised for , actually, voting for someone as different as Barack Obama. They go along with the usual garbage about "being a Muslim" , a "friend of radicals", a promoter of "infanticide', whatever the Republican smear machine is churning out that week. "I am a true conservative ", they will proudly declare and march off in a determined gait, to their cubicle. When it comes down to voting, they will enter the booth and vote the only way a thinking American can vote this year. They will know that Obama has a superior tax plan for those making less than $250,000.00 per year. They will realize his VP, Joe Biden, could actually do the job of something happened to Obama. They know , in their hearts that Barack Obama is a Christian that does not wear his faith on his sleeve and use it for political gain. They know that he has lived it. They will realize that they do not agree with him 100% on the issues but they will see him as a better leader. His honesty, candor, and intelligence will win their vote. The "Obama effect" , when added to the ground game, millions of new, excited voters, and his broad support across all ethnic groups, genders, and persuasions, will result in election numbers that will surprise the nation. "The Obama effect" ? It has a nice ring to it, eh?

2008 McCain /Palin campaign death watch.

The carefully orchestrated attack machine is breaking down. The brainwashed masses that repeated fact less diatribe and unsubstantiated accusations are dwindling. The GOP Presidential campaign is on deathwatch.

McCain will fade into the sunset a proud but defeated warrior,ever happy to fight,ever willing to try. The screams of the die hard, right wing extremists fell on deaf ears. Those that regurgitated the talking points of McCain`s poorly run campaign will soon fade to silence.The campaign is strapped to the gurney and being wheeled into the chamber.


These trumped up lies were designed to "swift boat" Obama like they did John Kerry. Many of the same operatives that were successful in defeating Kerry joined the attempt to
defeat Barack Obama. They failed. Barack Obama is not John Kerry. Barack Obama mobilized a rapid response team to crush rumors as fast as they were spread. He published a web site where people could look at the latest lies being used against him in right wing blog posts and mass e-mails. His supporters are among the most in tune and educated, they know how to respond to the trash and those that littered every form of media with it.

The politics of hope,change, and unity will win this election in an electoral landslide. The poltics of fear, lies ,and division will lose.

In reality McCain committed political suicide with the partys selection of Sarah Palin as their VP candidate. Palin is an ego maniacal, pathological liar. She lacked the most basic knowledge, skill and intelligence , to fulfill the office of Vice President . Her selection was clearly one of the biggest blunders in American political history. Palin was a miscalculated solution designed to reach a very narrow constituancy . The solution for the few, created problems for many others.

You have to give the credit to the real John McCain, the one that America did not see.. He wanted a different V.P. , he wanted to come up with compassionate immigration plan, he wanted to improve the transparency of our government, he wanted a positive campaign. Convinced it was "right for America" he allowed himself, and his better judgment, to be marginalized. John McCain got caught up in Washington politics and let a political machine direct him instead of listening to his heart. America saw a different John McCain. A team of entrenched DC lobbyists,Republican operatives and Bush administration Neoconservatives, got into his head.

In the end I am very pleased. Not only with an Obama victory but with the fact that John McCain, a genuine American hero, does not have to face a rigorous grind and stress of being President. John has a beautiful wife, plenty of money and a nice family .I take comfort in knowing that he can now take time to relax and enjoy life. He deserves it.